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Interpretation of the effect of using whitening toothpastes through a literature review

Luis Fernando Pérez Solís ,
Luis Fernando Pérez Solís

Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, UNIANDES, Matriz Ambato, Ecuador

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Elizabeth Paulina Reinoso Toledo ,
Elizabeth Paulina Reinoso Toledo

Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, UNIANDES, Matriz Ambato, Ecuador

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Katherine Cristina Miranda Coello ,
Katherine Cristina Miranda Coello

Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, UNIANDES, Matriz Ambato, Ecuador

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Norma Ximena Peñaloza Pérez ,
Norma Ximena Peñaloza Pérez

Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes, UNIANDES, Matriz Ambato, Ecuador

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Advertising and marketing play a crucial role in the perception of the effectiveness of whitening toothpastes. The study's aim was to interpret the effect of using whitening toothpastes through a literature review. This study adopted a hermeneutic perspective to interpret the collected data. The implemented methodology was observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, and retrospective. A search was conducted in the PubMed and Google Scholar databases in English, as well as SciELO, Scopus, and Elsevier in Spanish, using key terms in both languages. Ultimately, 25 articles offering valuable and relevant information for the study were analyzed. The study revealed that whitening toothpastes, specifically Colgate Maxwhite, Colgate Luminous White, and Crest with peroxide, stand out for their ability to significantly improve color and provide an effective polish to the dental surface, compared to other brands that do not achieve these results. Additionally, the importance of selecting toothpastes with a Relative Dentin Abrasivity (RDA) index of less than 250 to prevent dental sensitivity and enamel damage is emphasized. Although no significant differences were found in the enamel's microhardness among the pastes evaluated, Crest appears to offer superior resistance on the external surface of the dental tissue. The study's major conclusion underscores the need for an informed choice of whitening toothpastes, prioritizing those with evidence of efficacy in improving dental color and maintaining a low abrasivity index to protect dental health

How to Cite

Pérez Solís LF, Reinoso Toledo EP, Miranda Coello KC, Peñaloza Pérez NX. Interpretation of the effect of using whitening toothpastes through a literature review. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 20 [cited 2024 Jun. 2];3:635. Available from:

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